
essay aromatherapy

The phenomenon over the years aromatherapy has entered the United States, Japan, India and others. most aromatherapy is in the form of candles / essential oils. Aromatherapy is used first for massage. aromatherapy with distinctive characteristics and fragrances and its gentle effect compared to the pharmacological effects of conventional analgesics . Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential ils medicinally to improve the health aof the body, mind, and spirit. It anhances both physical and emotional health. Aromatherapy is thought of as both an art and science. Recently, aromatheraphy has gained more recognition in the fields of science and medicine. Essential oils have been used for neally 6000 years, with the aim of improving a person’s health of mood. The National Association for Holistic Aromatheraphy
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